My name is Liz. I’m a producer.
I bring great stories to life.
Mr. Pool
Mr. Pool 〰️
Mr. Pool - Senior Thesis Film
Mr. Pool is a story about childhood fears. Does adulthood prove that no evils exist, or that we’ve simply learned to ignore them?
The Production
As the producer for this project, I created a campaign on Seed & Spark and raised $1,700. I utilized Instagram and emailed newsletters to our supporters in order to reach our crowdfunding goal. This was my first time working with a child actor; when making the shooting schedule I made sure to abide by the labor limits and coordinate with his guardian. In order to keep our cast and crew safe, we hired an on-set lifeguard, another first for me. At the time of production, any project created through ASU required mask mandates, temperature checks, and negative Covid-19 tests prior to shooting, which I coordinated through our Covid safety officer.
Caligo 〰️
Caligo - Senior Thesis Film
Caligo is about a man plagued with paranoia. Impossible and illogical circumstances lead him to near insanity.
The Production
I co-produced this project with my fellow filmmaker, Peyton Bijak. My team and I ran an Indiegogo campaign and reached our goal budget of $1,900. My main responsibilities were securing the five locations necessary for the script. We also had to secure permission from the university to utilize a prop gun in the scene, a very topical issue at the time of filming.
During principal photography, our crew was entirely locked out of one of our prime shooting locations, a campus cafe that was closed on the weekends and thus we had been granted permission to use; however, there were no personnel to allow us entry. I quickly contacted university police. I presented the physical copy of the signed location permit and gained access.
The following projects were completely shot, edited, and produced by myself. Some films included found footage, used for educational purposes.
An Evaluation of My Belongings
An Evaluation of My Belongings 〰️
An Evaluation of My Belongings - Experimental Film
This is a film partially-inspired by Hoarder Without Boarders, a short experimental film by Jodie Mack that was introduced to me in a film class. I had used found footage in prior work, typically documentary-style projects, but I wanted to utilize it in a more artistic medium. This film utilizes footage from Antique Roadshow, a cable-dependent daytime show on PBS. My parents were known to constantly have AR playing in the background of everyday tasks. My film, An Evaluation of My Belongings, is a hypothetical episode evaluating some of my most worthless items. I shot my own footage in a sound stage, using mirrors and lights to obtain the "hazy" appearance. In post-production, I pieced together audio from episodes of AR, along with some other sonic elements. I also layered the same clip onto itself with lower opacity, which makes the objects appear briefly transparent.
Mistress Noir Interview
Mistress Noir Interview 〰️
Mistress Noir Interview - Short Documentary
This film was created for my Directing Documentary Media class. Our prompt was to produce a short interview segment with a person of our choosing. I approached someone I met at a bar, a woman by the name of Mistress Noir, a senior dominatrix in Tempe, Arizona. Mistress Noir sat down for an interview and gave me a tour of her dungeon. Most of our interview locations were very limited; small spaces with very low light. I also had a camera with faulty auto-focus, a fault I did not realize until the editing stage. However, the interview was still entertaining and comprehensive.
Archival Documentary
Archival Documentary 〰️
Found Footage Project - Archival Documentary
This project was created for a documentary film class I took in 2021. We were tasked with creating a short archival documentary, meaning it would be entirely comprised of found footage and research. The topic was not specified, so I decided to focus on something very lighthearted and entertaining: pop culture from the early 2000’s, specifically an alleged feud between Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. I include this project because it is very similar to content that is popular on YouTube, TikTok, and other video-sharing sites, and proves I can make similar content for future projects.